Co-opting Coherence?

I had the honour to present in a panel at a CASID/SIDGS-organized conference on Canadian Foreign Aid at the University of Ottawa yesterday.  The panel, with Stephen Brown, Fraser Reilly-King, and Ian Smillie examined the issue of Canadian Aid’s past practices and their implications for partnership going forward, in the context of the keynote address offered by … Read more

Visualizing Marginal Effects

On October 21st, I presented a short instructional workshop to the Quantitative Social Science in the Arts Group here at Memorial.  The topic of the workshop was Visualizing Marginal Effects using Stata. To download the .do file for the workshop click: here

Canadian Aid By the Numbers

I was very lucky today to lead a workshop at the Atlantic Council for International Cooperation (ACIC) 2015 Symposium being held at my institution, Memorial University.  The aim of the workshop was to discuss some interesting numbers related to Canada’s aid program, some of the sources for other data on Canadian aid, and what sort … Read more

Maternity Leave & Development

What is the effect of better maternity leave policies on development in low- and middle-income countries? I will present a paper co-authored with Kathleen Fallon (Stony Brook) and Alissa Mazar (McGill) answering this question on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 in MUN’s Work & Employment Speaker Series. For details on the talk, see the poster below:

Talk at DIIS: Webcast

I had the great pleasure today to present at the Danish Institute for International Studies ( about my research on foreign aid, networks, and global norms.  A webcast of the talk is available on the DIIS site: here (top video).  Thanks to all in attendance. I especially appreciated the lively discussion following the talk.  A … Read more