Aid & Human Rights Decoupling

The latest article from my Developing Conformity research project has been published in The Sociological Quarterly. Co-authored with Dr. Qian Wei, the article examines the relationship of bilateral foreign aid flows to human rights decoupling in aid-receiving countries. ABSTRACT Despite extensive literature examining human rights decoupling between treaty commitments and practices, little research has addressed … Read more

Foreign Aid & the Rule of Law

Andrew Dawson (York University, Glendon Campus) and I have published the latest article from the Developing Conformity project in the British Journal of Sociology. The article is available to all via open access. This article uses a World Society theory framework to test the effects of foreign aid on both the diffusion of rule of law reforms … Read more

A Fraught Embrace

My latest book review has just been published in the American Journal of Sociology.  The book I reviewed is: Swidler, A., & Watkins, S. C. (2017). A Fraught Embrace: The Romance and Reality of AIDS Altruism in Africa: Princeton University Press. You can download the review here: